Our Approach to Project Development

We follow an agile approach to develop innovative and tailored visual analytics tools. Our iterative approach is inspired by state-of-the-art methods from requirements engineering combined with scientific methodologies. The step-wise procedure ensures agility and transparency.

Begin of Collaboration
  • pre-project-phase

    Pre-Project Phase

    During the pre-project phase we get to know each other. We pitch each others ideas, portfolio, and high-level demands. The goal is to find out whether it’s a match or not.

  • workshops

    Inception Workshop Phase

    Inception workshops are an established agile workshop format for requirements engineering. We establish a common understanding of the application’s vision, features and non-features, capabilities, and limitations.

  • Design

    Design Prototyping Phase

    Based upon the results from the inception workshop, we create a clickable design prototype that reflects the actual UI and visualization design and allows your future users to click through the main workflow of the application.

  • hackathon

    Ramp-up Hackathon

    If it is necessary and target-aimed we can start the development with a joint ramp-up hackathon, either to on-board your developers to our tech stack for co-creation or to solve tricky problems together.


    Short Track to MVP


    The actual software development towards a minimum viable product (MVP) is done in an agile manner, following the Scrum process model. 
    Datavisyn Visyn Platform

  • Hypercare

    Hypercare Phase

    After a successful release and go-live of the MVP, we preserve a period of four weeks of elevated level of support. This allows us to quickly react to user feedback.

  • Road

    Continuous Development & Maintenance

    After a successful go-live and hypercare phase we keep on adding new functionality and features to the application in small iterative sprints.

Initial ContactCollaboration AgreementCommon VisionClickable PrototypeFirst Release CandidateGo-Live!